6 Powerful Ways to Manifest What You Want From the Universe

The Law of Attraction tells you that what you focus your energy on is what you bring into your life. In short, like attracts like – if you can put positive intentions, thoughts, and energy out into the universe, you’ll begin to see those things manifest in your own life. There are many different ways to start manifesting your dreams and desires. Let your intuition guide you as you explore how manifestation can benefit your life.


Positive affirmations are one of the most common ways to begin manifesting your desires. Using “I am” statements, start talking and thinking about what you want as if you already have it every day. You can incorporate affirmations into a meditative practice, listen to affirmation recordings as you fall asleep, or do a few in front of the mirror each morning! Some great affirmations to start with are:

* I am capable of achieving my dreams.
* I am always in the right place at the right time.
* I am blessed to live in abundance.
* I am loving to others and open to receiving love.
* I am worthy of success and healing.
* I am at peace.

Vision Boards

Create a vision board by writing down what you want to attract, printing pictures of what you want off the internet, or even clipping pictures out of magazines! If you ever made a photo collage on your wall as a teenager, a vision board is the same idea – just use images of what you want to attract instead of pictures of friends or teen heartthrobs! A vision board can be a bulletin board, a journal that you look at every day, or you can even just tape or tack pictures directly up to your wall. Take some time to study your vision board every day to keep your intentions fresh in your mind.

Gratitude Journal

We must take the time to be grateful for the good things in our lives instead of constantly asking the universe for more. If we don’t establish a spirit of gratitude in our lives, we won’t recognize our blessings when they arrive. Greed can put negative energy out into the universe, which can prevent you from manifesting your desires. Take some time each day to write out what you’re grateful for and focus on all the good things in your life. When you change your mindset to view your life from a state of abundance, you raise your vibrational energy and begin to attract more of the good things life has to offer.


Magic is all about putting our intentions out into the universe and focusing our energy on changing reality. You can find spells to attract what you want in books or on the internet, or you can write your own! Make sure your spell is as straightforward as possible – you want to be specific about what you’re looking to manifest in your life. The new moon is the natural time to set intentions, so consider timing your manifestation spellwork for that time of the month if possible. On the full moon, you can do spellwork to release anything that’s holding you back from manifesting your desires. If you want to add tools into your spellwork, consider salt, which can cleanse negative energy, and candles scented with essential oils associated with abundance, such as wild orange or myrrh.


If negative energy is getting in the way of your manifestations, crystals can be an excellent tool for clearing it! Some crystals to consider for a manifestation practice are:

* Clear Quartz – cleanses negative energy and purifies sacred spaces
* Obsidian – protects against negative energy or psychic attacks
* Moonstone – promotes positive thinking and soothes anxiety, associated with new beginnings
* Aventurine – encourages abundance and prosperity
* Citrine – attracts material wealth and business success
* Malachite – absorbs negative energy and opens the heart and mind to possibilities

Meditation or Prayer

Sometimes we forget to do the first step – asking the universe for what we want! A regular meditation or prayer practice can help provide time, space, and focus to set your intentions and ask for the things you want to manifest. Whether you’re communicating with a deity or just sending your energy out into the universe, approaching this practice with an open heart and a humble spirit can bolster manifestation by encouraging you to remain open to possibilities outside of the rational mind.

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